“                   “ is a solo exhibition of works by Kamin Lertchaiprasert. The exhibition will present Lertchaipraser’s full interpretations of ontology and the metaphysics of a gallery space. 


“                   “, a blank in quotation marks, is actually a blank filled with Lertchaiprasert’s name in white, creating a false appearance of emptiness and posing questions of “seeing is believing.” Like the show's title, the title of each work similarly contributes to Lertchaiprasert's system of spatial and aesthetic intersection. 


Lertchaiprasert taps into the field of in-between, the illusion of gaining and losing, the mediation of emptiness, the weightlessness of consciousness, and the temporal and experiential of time through print, painting, sculpture and video. For him, art is a ritualistic practice aimed at the achievement of a greater understanding of oneself, nature, and the world as a whole. Naturalism, relativism and skepticism pervade his practice, inviting  open-minded toleration and anarchism and indicating the artist’s thoughts on true freedom.