Joining the works of Tada Hengsapkul and Chai Siris, this exhibtion revolves around "the malady of unfaithfully made time and history" .
A return to his hometown formed the basis of Hengsapkul's works, where he investigated the scars of memory left behind by the American military, which set up a base in Korat during the 1960s. Many familiar places have become mystic spaces resulting in the effort of erasing its original meaning through time. Resurfacing the wonderment, Tada had existence urban stories and family history in order to perform an alchemy that brings back what authoritarian forced us to forget.
While Chai was traveling back to a physical space and a spiritual existences to investigate his family’s secret when his mother swam across Salawin river to the Thailand border. Too young to remember, she knew she was fleeing herself from a dictated authority. Chai teases the actual incident as a magical science fiction. He tells his story of love and death through love letters and screenplays.
The transition of times, spaces, and power are floating in the air like a haunting ghost in their work.